This post is the first one of my new series “I tested for you”. As the title says it all, it will be about me exploring some new or not so new things of SecondLife. Of course most of the things I will test for you will be on the naughty side, because this is what I like to do in my SecondLife.
So for the first one, I tested for you, playing a role in a SecondLife porn movie:
It was a long time I was craving for that experience and one day it happened: Mitzy Broadway, the very famous Second Life porn movie producer proposed me a role in her next film. It has been a long journey to finally get there: the porn community is a small world where everybody knows everybody and the actors always tend to be the same ones with a different role, exactly like in the real world, the big names get all the roles.
There are however huge differences between Second Life and the real life: in our everyday world, the celebrities are paid millions to play a role and productions do their best to get the names of the happy few on the poster, simply because the movie will benefit from their fame. People will come to watch the film to see their favourite actor performing. In Second Life however, actors do not get paid, the studios tend to hire always the same person for completely different reasons: they look for good looking mesh-avatars, drama-free and easy to work with, but the most important thing is that they must be reliable. You must understand that the team spent hours working on a set for a particular scene, found a proper schedule that fit all the actors and at the last minute they face a no-show of one of them … frustrating isn’t it? That is why very few directors take the risk to hire new actors. If you want to play a role, you have to prove them you are trustworthy.
I worked hard for months, interviewing actors and directors, trying to understand how the business was working and what were the drivers, promoting the movies that I liked. It was definitely an opportunity to build a strong network too and to write some nice articles about those hard workers of Second Life. On a few occasions I told Mitzy about my desire to one day give it a try as an actress and to let me know should she need me. I knew she received so many requests of that kind, as all famous directors do, and so I was patient: I kept asking regularly trying not to be pushy but I wanted her to know I was serious about it.
One day I got a message:
“Hey Cathy, I might have a role for you. Are you still interested?”
I was so thrilled, of course I said yes!!! Whatever the role would have been I would have said yes. I was too curious to have that experience that so many shared with me during the interviews I led. We had a long discussion with Mitzy that day and she explained to me in details what her project was for her new movie. This is what I like about Mitzy, she is always passionate about her projects and she has a thing to make you share her enthusiasm.
“Dystopia” was the movie she was working on at the moment. The action takes place in a barren and lifeless post-apocalyptic world where she plays the main character, Trinity. I was to play one of the characters of the underground world.
I was contacted shortly after by Rachel Avro. Rachel seems to be the heart of the organisation of the movies by Mitzy. She meets the actors, gives them the instructions such as which outfit to wear and of course the most difficult job: find the schedule when the actors and actresses are all free. Rachel gave me my instructions and we setup the meeting time and day for “my scene”. I was so excited and anxious at the same time. At least I had a few days to prepare my outfit. I worked straight on it and was soon ready.
Finally the day of the scene came. I was so nervous. Rachel got that pretty soon and was there during the whole process, the whole scene, giving advice and cheering, it helped a lot. When I arrived there was only Rachel and Mitzy, my male counterpart did not arrive yet.
I was amazed to discover the set and started to imagine the time and effort needed to build it. I thought for myself that those guys were amazing and that I was certainly very lucky to be involved in that adventure. Finally my scene mate arrived: Jagger Draconis. I was very pleased because I actually met him already, I had the chance to interview him (read Jagger’s interview).
Jagger was given a rope and he attached me to a frame. The scene was about to start.
-“Don’t worry Cathy, it will be fine” said Jagger with a wink.
From then, the magic started. I was in-character. It was a bit like a roleplay except that I was not talking or emoting, I was just imagining doing it. Jagger was superb during the whole scene and ahem … so well-hung… I had my fun believe me! Mitzy was very concentrated on her side, I admired her. She snapped a few orders to move from one scene or attitude to the other and all went so fluently.
Below pictures taken by Mitzy:
It was finally over. We gathered the four of us to discuss a little about the scene and Mitzy was definitely happy with what she made. I did it, I was amazed but I did it: I played a scene in a porn movie, in front of the camera and with a well-known actor. It went so fast. I was now really eager to see the movie in itself, to get to understand the plot.
As she did with almost all her recent movies, Mitzy organized a premiere party which I could not attend unfortunately. I would have discovered then that I played a role in a movie along big names such as
Sasha Johansen, Sil, Katina Cazalet, Nicasio Ansar, Trisha Danyelson, Wyatt Stone, Laren Silverfall, Heather Ashford, April Jestyr, Enki, Isa Cheviot, Max Long, Peter Moore, Jack Stroker and of course Mitzy, Jagger and Rachel.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank especially Mitzy and Rachel who gave me the chance to play and also Rude Runner Studios and Filthy Penny Productions.
Enough waiting for now, happy watching and let me know what you think if you dare:
Big kisses,
Incredible film, though a bit porny. There is an enormous amount of work in the imagery, sound effects, and staging. Would love to see the tremendous talent on display here used to express more complex plots – though I suppose anyone this talented can present whatever they damned well please (smile). Thanks for the review, Cath . . . and congrats on getting a role in this one.