Writing about Second Life

My dear readers,

Caroline launched a blog parade, I could not resist participating, as I did in the past with a few of the Strawberry Singh’s challenges. Why? As Caroline wrote, just because it is fun and, well, I enjoy talking about myself too much… yes I am selfish, a fault I am working on … maybe one day I will be the less selfish person in the world … hmm, it seems I still have a lot of work to achieve that! LOL!

Time! Let us start with the questions!

What did motivate you to start a blog about Second Life?

It all started because I discovered people were actually blogging about Second Life. I browsed Google and finally found Second Life Adventures, and it was a bit like a revelation. This is what I wanted to do, write and share about my second life, all my discoveries and many fantasies. I have been lucky enough to meet Caroline herself one day online. I remember that day very well, it was at the Magic Angels club, she was working there at that time. It was for me like meeting a celebrity, I was all excited. We became friends and she gave me a lot of useful advice on how to write proper posts, how to manage a blog. I am still hooked and honestly, it changed my Second Life, making it more interesting … it can sometimes become rather boring without a goal.

Is your blog related to any kind of Second Life business? If yes please tell us what your business is all about.

I was not really into an actual business until recently: Caroline and I are now business partners in the virtual porn business and we are going to try to compete with the likes of naughtymachinima.com. It is very ambitious, but I estimate we have a good chance of succeeding.

Are you actually making profits in Second Life? Do you dare to tell us how much approximately?

Actually I do make a small amount of money. Unfortunately my income is not very stable. I rely on two main activities in order to make some cash:

  • Writing: magazines pay to have exclusive articles on their blog
  • Escorting: I am hitting the streets and offering on-demand services

I can earn up to 3,000 L$ a month when I am lucky and not too lazy. My goal is to try to cover my expenses, and unfortunately, I am a shopping-addict.

How do you explain people who are not familiar with Second Life, what your blog or your Second Life business is all about?

I never told to anybody about my blog. I would be definitely too ashamed.

How much time do you spend writing posts or promoting your blog?

Writing a post is very time-consuming: I think it takes me between 2 to 3 hours to write a decent post, on which I have to add the time in-world to play and take the pictures going with the post. I try to post at least one post every two weeks, so it makes approximately 3 hours per week. Lately I am spending a lot more time because I moved the blog to the new domain. Believe me, it has been a nightmare, I have spent more than 24 hours in the last month just to move. The export/import functions are just not working, and have to be resumed constantly, I had to retouch every single post to change the links, re-insert the pictures, add the missing pictures in the galleries … I have been a bit disappointed by the WordPress capabilities here.

Do you monetize your blog at all? If yes, how successful are you doing so?

Not yet, but I hope that now that I am on the new domain (thanks to Caroline), I will earn a few lindens from the advertising.

Do you actively promote your blog and if so, what methods of promotion or PR do you use?

I am not really good at promoting, simply because I am not skilled at all. The only thing I do is to promote on the various social media on which I have an account: mainly twitter, facebook, google+ and tumblr.

What do you like most about blogging about Second Life?

I think I like writing, and writing in english, which is not my mother tongue, is an interesting challenge for me. However, my favorite part is when I get feedback, either on the grid directly, or via comments on the blog itself. Each time I have a new comments, I feel happy, I feel I have written something that was actually read and created enough emotion or reaction to prompt the person to write his/her view in return. This is what my fuel is.

What is your favorite activity in Second Life?

My favorite activity is definitely role-playing. This is what triggered my interest in Second Life in the first place. So this is something  I do, and very often I write a post about it when I feel it has been good enough to be reported. I like as well to wander shops, having something  in mind to buy, and coming back with something completely different, typically me.

Where do you hang out in Second Life? If people wanted to bump into you, where could people find you?

I am not easy to catch, I am homeless. Still, when I am “on duty”, there is a pretty good chance that you will bump into me at Street Whores.

What do you not like about Second Life in general?

Second Life is nothing else than a part of our real life. Consequently, what I do not like is the same than in my real life: like for instance bad people, or people who do not care about others. I prefer to ignore them and focus on people who are worth it. For the rest, Second Life is as good as what people bring in it … it is up to us to make it a like-able, a love-able place.

And last but not the least: Do you have sex in Second Life? Dare to tell us the details?

Of course I do, this is part of my Second Life! Why not? And for the details … well you will find them on my blog if you dare to read it!



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