Pictures Postcards from SecondLife #12

Pictures Postcards from SecondLife #12

I was delighted at Silky’s reaction to my new look and more importantly to my new professional “project”. She seemed surprised of course, but she was neither shocked nor reluctant. On the contrary she asked a lot of questions and was all cheering. I felt relieved that she reacted like this, her opinion has always been very important and I would have felt down if she would not have supported me.

On her side Silky was in a rut, and definitely needed a change of air to find inspiration again and write, her livelihood. Happily I knew the recipe to put her back on rails: an afternoon of shopping, just the two of us, would without any doubt, cheer her up. So I postponed my interviews with the caterers to the next day, and we went downtown hand in hand, well decided to spend an obscene amount of money. I was broke, but well, I had a contract in pocket that was supposed to get back my bank account afloat.

Moreover I definitely needed an outfit for Johnny’s wedding, my surgery changed my sizes, and well, I had nothing decent to wear for such an important occasion.

We were about to enter a shop when my phone vibrated. I smiled reading the message from Ann which I showed to Silky.

-“It seems we are not the only ones shopping” she said laughing.

I quickly typed an answer to Ann and went after Silky who was already heading to the fitting rooms with a dress in hand. The therapy was working!


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