Pictures Postcards from SecondLife #10

I got off the train the night before and headed to my hotel. It was a long time I did not set foot at Kat’s Beach. I have so many sweet memories here. I should come more often, this place always does me good. I checked the alarm clock and it read 10 am. Oops, it was pretty late indeed, the surgery exhausted me more than I wanted to admit it.

A warm shower achieved to wake me up fully. I was about to dress but I could not resist to look at my reflection in the mirror of the room. I was very happy with my new figure, the surgeon did a really good job. Well, he is one of the best in the adult industry, so I was actually expecting him to make a good work. The only little problem is that he let me broke flat … with only one contract signed at the moment, my future was very uncertain … but this is me, I always act instinctively.

I smiled at myself and finally dressed, I had a long day ahead of me, there was no more time to waste: I promised Ann to look for decent caterers for her brother’s wedding … Johnny. The morning passed very quickly and I was starting to starve when I received a message from Silky. This is when I remembered she wrote an email a few days ago to get news and to let me know she was thinking of taking a break at the sea side. Knowing Silky, there was a significant chance that she was actually at Kat’s beach … and if she was here, I had an idea on where she was spending her time. The cafe I had in mind was a few minutes walk away and I went there to check, and guess what, she was there.

I sneaked in her back and took a picture of her and sent her a reply. I was a bit worried of what she would say about my little transformation … but it was high time for me to show myself.


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