Yes I have written the mas … if you are not familiar with the South of France, you might not know what a mas is: it is actually a typical farmhouse you can find mainly in Provence. You have to pronounce it like the second syllabus of grand ma: “Ma”. Yessss, your french is improving, congratulations!!!
I have been there one time with Pere Vert (look at this post). He is one very original avatar of SecondLife, well in his mindset at least, because concerning his appearance, he is probably one of the laziest one. However he has put a lot of work on his village around the mas, and on the mas itself of course. If you did not get a chance to visit it yet, have a look, you will find yourself in the middle of a typical very small village of France. In the middle of winter it is a good feeling, the sun is there! (taxi: Le Lawangwen).
When I arrived, he was wearing the same strange cap and the same smile as well. He did the effort to dress in jeans this time, well, yes he is a nudist, at least around his own pool. His first remark was “You’re wearing far too much clothes Cath!”. Typical Pere Vert. I knew where he wanted to lead this meeting, actually he did not make it a secret from the beginning, and to be honest the bulge in his pants was speaking for him.
I definitely wanted to have some fun, it was a long time I did not have a nice sex nearby a pool. I was rewarded with cat whistles when I peeled from my jumper, shirt and skirt.
Pere Vert seemed to appreciate my lingerie set. He took my hand and led me behind the railing besides the little bar.
-“Now my dear Cath, just bend over and admire the view over the fields, I will do the rest” he said.
I bent and looked back with a large smile. He was stripping from his jeans and a few seconds late I felt him, all of him, and we had a great time together.
oh Cath, honey, you can do so much better than this guy, at least visually speaking. You’re a gorgeous girl, perfect mixture of sexy and classy. No need to settle for guys who look like they just logged in after being away for 10 years.
What weighs more? A perfectly styled avatar or a person that can make your imagination run wild?
I do like a nicely styled avatar no question, but if the person behind that avatar can’t write, I rather settle for the one with the necessary ability in its fingers, even if that person looks like one giant cucumber 😉
What use is a nice avatar if everything you get is “Me fuk you long time … hurr hurr … I am done.”? ;D
I agree with you Silky, personality and ability to make us feel something always is more important than the way we look, but the thing is girls looking like Cath don’t have to choose between those two. I know people look at this differently. I’m not one of those people who say “hey, you’re ugly, don’t talk to me” but with sex it’s about making it good both emotionally and visually. And who knows maybe when men realize with old fashione look they can’t get much action they will start to work on their avis more. I just think girls who really put lots of effort to their look can be a little demanding and picky.
smiles Well everyone has a different taste 😉 Maybe I am not putting so much emphasis on the visuals because I am probably the worst poseball operator on the grid and too short for the standard animations to work properly in the first try.
I would have missed quite some fun nights otherwise 😉
And judging from what I know about Cathy, she is thinking down a similar alley. But I am sure she will come out of her hiding soon, once she notices how the comments add up here ;D
I did not expect so many reactions to a tiny adventure by the pool, but I am glad you did, it always make me so happy.
Kayla you raised an interesting point indeed and I agree definitely that most men do less efforts on their look and clothes than we do, actually it is even true in real life, well from what I witnessed on this part of the world. It does not make them uninteresting, it is just less tempting to go to them andI definitely prefer good looking men. Actually most of my male close friends are good looking. Pere Vert is a bit non-typical and an interesting character in the hearth, well it’s my feeling anyway.
So SL is made of so different characters, sometimes you meet lazy people or people who have no skills in tuning their avi, but still you can have good surprises. So I often take the risk. 🙂 even if graphically speaking it is not as good as I could expect.
Some thoughts inspired by this post as well as recent conversations with some friends: