I have finally decided to start my transformation from a standard SecondLife body to one of the most promising Mesh Body: Maitreya Lara V2.4. (yes let’s be accurate). I guess some of you have already gone through what I feel is a pure nightmare, and I did not start to touch the real complexity yet.
Financing: done with a lot of help and luck
Well the first part of all this went pretty well … as you probably know now, I am hooking in order to finance my transformation … and actually I was a bit struggling getting the finance but I had the luck to meet a Pygmalion who accepted to be my investor. In exchange I have to discuss my choices with this mysterious investor … a poor price to pay given the fact I intend to spend around 15,000 L$ on the subject.
Acquisition of the mesh body and setup
The second phase went pretty well too. I reached the Maitreya shop, which was very reasonably laggy and I was able to locate the mesh body I selected with the help of Silky: Maitreya Lara. I bought it and ran to Silky’s house to test it. It was pretty easy to install, an alpha layer and an attachment representing the body and it was done. The problem is that I intend to keep my SLink hands and feet and guess what, there are no appliers for the default skin tones provided, so I tried a manual setup on which I failed miserably. So, in the mean time, I moved to the Maitreya hands and feet delivered with the body (which is actually a very good idea). I looked finally pretty good … except this horrible mark on the neck, known by many avatars using mesh body.
My problems and solutions I will try to put in place
So I have to resolve this adjustment of my slink parts and to eliminate the little mark on the neck which looks really awful. For this I have a double solution:
- Find a new skin (which I would like quite identical to mine)
- Find a mesh head which is likely to solve the neck problem
The constraint is that for the skin I will select I will have to find and buy the appliers for Maitreya, for Slink and for the vendor of the head … My nightmare has just started. I moved to well known skin vendors (Glam Affair and YS&YS), but the shops are extremely laggy and the pieces I need (provided I understood properly how it works) have spread the products in every corners: the skins here, the appliers there, and finally the head appliers elsewhere … So if you do not have a gamer machine, I do not know how to achieve that. For the mesh head, I went to LeLutka and at the moment I cannot locate where the heads are in the shop … crazy !!!
I try to keep calm and carry on, but I am struggling.
Any advice or help very welcome !!
Thank you
Hi Cathy, facing same issues and problems with mesh (personally I went with Belleza) and not yet have look for mesh head …. If we get the chance in world hope I can help you in some way! Be sure to keep your uniqueness! Good luck!
Hi Alma,
well I used to be a great fan of Belleza skins (I am wearing one actually). What I have read on their mesh body did not convince me so I moved to Maitreya instead … I will miss Belleza skins though, but as I understand it, Belleza does not provide any appliers on any mesh body but theirs. Body Mesh designers are at war 😉
Hi Cathy, facing same issues and problems with mesh body (personally I went with Belleza) and not looked for mesh head yet… Keep trying … If we got the chance I hope I can help you in world. Good luck and be sure to keep your uniqueness!
My hud has a function to fix neck issue…
Oh dear,
yes this sounds familiar somehow … believe me things will be better 😉
As a general idea we could do the shopping together. I will scout ahead and find the stuff need and TP you to there, so that you won’t have to walk the pit of doom 😉
Concerning the neckproblem … One thing that helped was fiddling around on my shape (at least with my slink body). Some changes to the shape do have effects on the mesh body over it. I would give that a go.
Additionally Slink delivered kind of a “flesh collar” which can be worn on the neck and hides such problems (lately the alex head took over that task).
You should also ask Eva concerning the neck. She has a Lara body as well and still uses her system head. So she should know how to effectively hide the combination 😉
Oh and don’t worry about not finding the Lelutka head … the store has a nasty layout and they are not easy to find. Had to ask myself through the whole store the first time to grab the demos.
And the standard skin appliers … can you send me a screenshot of all your Maitreya folders? Just want to make sure the correct applier isn’t in hiding somewhere 😉
Hi Silky,
thanks for the long answer. Well I am definitely not against going shopping together, I turned mad in these large shops with so many items, you don’t even know where to look for (I will use Nix advice on Area Search, it sounds powerful). Concerning the neck issue, it seems the head will resolve it.
I will send you a copy of my inventory next time I am online.
Thanks for your support.
hey Cathy.
I recently bought maitreya lara body and lelutka mesh head as well so I understand your issues. Lelutka makes their heads to fit maitreya mesh body so you shouldn’t have problems getting the perfect fit. Both huds also have something called “neck size” so make sure you get the same size in your head and body. Also both products use skins from Glam Affair so if you’re not planning to wear your body withouth a mesh head you don’t need to buy a new skin. Personally I only bought an applier for slink feet in Glam Affair store (which I agree, can be really hard to find something there, I usually help myself by using the “area search” option in the viewer) so I can still use my heels that were made for slink.
Hi Nix,
well actually you are absolutely right, I did not realize I actually do not need a skin anymore if I use a head. So thank you for that, you made me save a lot of money. I am glad to hear the neck issue will be solved with the head, I was not sure of that. I never used the Area Search so far, but thanks this is a very good tip: Glam Affair store is, at least to me, a labyrinth.