NIP Dare #7: A long stroll in the streets



Posted by: Silky

Context: You will go sightseeing. I have made a tour for you of various locations in Bay-City. The starting point and the final location are fixed, the other points can be visited as you wish.
The task is simple. Strip bare in the first location (a ballet school) and visit the locations I have collected for you on foot (no flying, no porting). Get as close to the landmark as possible. Visit all points (stay as long as you wish and interact if you like) and go to the depature point … only then you may port out, fly or dress again.

Location: Eastern Bay-City (its a moderate complex, so no need to fear a ban from the lab).

Clothing: except for sneakers (to run away quickly) or thigh highs (if you want to feel sexier ;)) nothing will be needed.

A hint to make it more interesting: Most of the people in Bay-City are US based … so getting there in an appropriate time frame should double the fun.Information for my readers:

My dear readers,Silky proposed me this excellent dare and we have worked a lot together, exchanged numerous emails to try to adjust and make it a good and exciting adventure. So as it is stated into the dare description, I will have a tour in Bay-City and Silky defined the locations I will have to reach and stay for a few minutes, here they are if you want to come and cheer (SLURL is below each picture):

Inki’s Café
Bayjou Theatre
Gas station
The squishy bottoms
The labyrinth

I will probably not visit these places in this exact order, you will have to find me or wait on one of the spot. I hope to see some of you.

Live update (UK time):
4:00 PM: I am honestly a bit nervous right now. I do not know what to expect there definitely, and the challenge is quite huge and long, but still the excitement is definitely here. Actually I like these moments of anticipations. 8 hours to go.
11:42 PM: I am about to connect … my viewer is slow to start, as if it  is even more afraid than I am.
11:53 PM: Little issue with the viewer, I am fixing, I should be in very shortly. Sorry for the small delay.
00:34 AM: I met Silky there, we are about to start now…. OMG !!! I am going to do it.
00:43 AM: I am about now to go in the streets, where Silky is waiting for me in her car. I will not wear anything on outside in a few minutes
00:55 AM: I am in the streets, one of the most arousing experience in my life.
01:07 AM: I reached the Laundromat … no encounters apart from the reassuring car of Silky away.
01:29 AM: Enjoying a coffee at Inki’s cafe
01:56 AM: After a short stop at the garage, occupied by Zombie, I just moved to the theater…. Aaron just arrived.The adventure has terminated around 03:00 AM, I am sorry, I was not able to keep up-to-date the live feed. Silky was the official photographer of this dare, many thanks to her for the fantastic job.I have made you to wait far too long my dear readers, so here is what happened in details and in pictures.


The weather was pretty good when I entered the ballet school building. Silky was already there ,training, when I arrived. I smiled and waved to her.
-“I will be with you in a minute” I said.

Silky training her moves

She nodded and I went upstairs to the locker room. I hastily changed in a leotard and joined Silky in the main training room. She let me some time to warm-up and then we started the rehearsal together.

Both Silky and I trying to sync our moves

I had a lot of trouble to focus on my moves and I made a lot of mistakes. Silky was very patient with me that day, each time I did wrong, she stopped and we resumed from where I was. My mind was actually elsewhere … I took the important decision the day before to live my wildest fantasy: stroll down-town completely naked. A few weeks ago, I admitted having this fantasy to Silky, I definitely had drunk too much to allow myself to let someone else to know my “dark” side. It was quite surprising to me then, that she actually did not overreact or discourage me. Since that day we never talked of it again. I guess she knew I was distracted by something that day, giving my high number of mistakes, but at that point, I doubt she had any clue of what I was about to do.

Finally we were done and my muscles started to get really sore. We took a shower and Silky was definitely very quick. I was still drying myself when she was ready to go. She waved goodbye and left me alone on the locker room … alone with my wild fantasy. I started to doubt but I knew it would haunt me all my life … I had to do this and why not today. It’s time I let out this fantasy and live it for real. I stayed naked and locked my clothes. I took a deep breath and could feel heavy heartbeats in my ears … my heartbeats.

My decision is taken, I will do it

I cautiously took the stairs down and and tiptoed to the glass door which leads out of the building. I could not hear any sound, I was absolutely alone as I had expected it. I never felt so alive before, I was shivering and my teeth were chattering … I was not cold though, it was my body over-reacting. It already felt so good and I did not started it really.

Looking by the window … about to live my fantasy

After a few minutes of hesitation, I finally opened the door and made a few steps on the pavement. I jumped when the heavy slapped behind me, I was so nervous. I giggled. The stones of the pavement was cold under my feet, the feeling was really strange. I thought for myself I should better care where I walk to avoid cutting one of my soles. Actually the best feeling was the one of the warm breeze caressing my bare skin, without any obstacles, I felt very naked, but whole … I was offering my entire body to the wind. I looked down at my body, I had goose-bumps, and my nipples were fully erected betraying my state of … arousal. Ho yes I was aroused, so much.

My first steps in the streets … an amazing feeling growing

I moved to the corner of the building enjoying each step in the great outdoor. My boobs swaying free was a bit disturbing at first, but it felt so amazingly good. I cannot deny I was nervous and kept hiding my private parts with my hands, still I was naked in the streets and anybody passing by could see me, all of me. This is when I noticed Silky’s car, she was still there … why did she not leave yet, I do not know, but she was there. It was actually very reassuring but I pretended I did not see her.

Spotting Silky’s car

I had prepare my plans the day before and I knew exactly where to go and where to pass to ensure being seen. I wondered what Silky would do from that point … I hardly wished that she would stay around, it would really help knowing she is around. Anyway I started to walk in the direction of the laundromat. All along the way I looked all around me, trying to see if anybody would spot me from behind a window, or if any passer-bys would arrive. The Laundromat was two blocks away and I followed the main street to a little place with a fountain. I got a few shocked looks and some smiles of the people there. I stopped by the fountain and splashed my face burning with emotion. I noticed one woman standing a few meters away taking pictures of me with her phone. I giggled.

An admirer by the fountain (did you recognize Jezzabelle?)

I finally reached my first destination. I stood in front of the Laundromat which was unfortunately empty. I decided to force a little my luck and entered into the shop … desert. I stayed for long minutes expecting to see someone coming, but I had not this luck.

Inside the laundromat, nervously waiting for someone to popup

I finally decided to go back in the streets and I spotted Silky’s blue car again. This time I smiled and waved to her. I made it clear I knew she was here and that I was quite keen of it. After all she knew my little fantasy already, she can as well see me realize it. This is when I saw she had her big camera with her and was pointing at me … she was taking pictures of the event. I could not have dreamt better, I will get “souvenirs” of it. I took the pose in front of the shop hoping she would take a few snapshots.

Posing for Silky in front of the Laundromat

Knowing Silky was with me made me feel a lot better. I was not alone anymore and she should be able to assist in case something wrong happens … So now I was able to focus on my feelings, my naughty feelings actually. I headed to the park nearby, I heard Silky igniting her engine when I started to move, I smiled. The park is quite large and I had to cross it to go to Inki’s café where I intended to drink a hot chocolate. Everything went well, I started to get the habit of it, it was still a bit strange but so much enjoyable. Deeper in the park I spotted a tramp. I stopped to discuss with him a few seconds. He was very friendly and seemed to enjoy what he saw … so I enjoyed it too, feeling his gaze on me was absolutely fantastic … electrical even.

Chatting with the tramp in the park.

I finally reached the edge of the park. Inki’s café is actually facing the exit of the park. I was nearly there.

Enjoying the wind on my face while exiting the park
Silky was already there, she probably guessed I would go to Inki’s

I arrived at Inki’s. The tenant stared at me open-mouthed, I giggled very happy to produce such a reaction just by displaying a few more than usual, well a lot more ok.
-“Would you offer me a hot chocolate?” I asked with my best smile. “I unfortunately did not bring any cash with me.”

The man continued to stare at me. His yes were like glued on my pussy. I should have felt bad, on the contrary I liked it very much.
-“It’s on me !” he finally succeeded to say. He prepared the chocolate, taking any opportunity to check on me and brought me my chocolate where I sat. He fetched his cell phone from his jeans pocket and smiled to me “Can I take a selfie ? You and I ?” he asked politely. I laughed.
-“Go on” I said. He took his picture and went back behind his counter.

Ordering my hot chocolate at Inki’s

He spent the rest of the time I stayed there on his phone, probably sending texts to his friends about the curious naked lady in his store. I could not help feeling aroused about it.

Finally I left Inki’s café and walked in the alley along the park. I looked back from time to time to check on Silky, she was always around. Sometimes she parked her car and pointed her camera to me. I wondered all the time how the pictures would look like. I was sure she took a lot of pictures as each time I arrived somewhere she was there in the distance.

Along the park on a passing street
Crossing the road, faking not to notice Silky
Posing for Silky at a crossing
Strolling an alley in a nearby park

I reached the garage. Silky was following me in the distance. It was very funny as I spotted one guy, I guess he was the pump attendant. The man was asleep on his chair, actually he looked pretty tired to say the least. I tiptoed and sat next to him. Silky parked her car by the pumps and it did not wake up him. So Silky took a few snapshots of us. She winked at me, I smiled back.

Sitting next to the asleep pump attendant

I then raised and moved to the repair shop. The more the time passed, the more I felt horny. I was so excited that I felt a little breeze between my legs could trigger an orgasm. I giggled and breathed deeply to gain back control on my body. In the body shop was an engineer and probably a customer. They both looked at me when I entered the hangar and smiled widely. I waved at them and quickly left.

In the hangar with an engineer and a customer (Aaron)

The customer ran after me and asked if I was ok. I told him I was very good actually. He burst into laugh and decided to come with me. So I had a new companion to stroll in the city.

I moved toward the centre and decided to check at the theater. I arrived in front of it with Aaron (the customer with the brown jacket). There were no movies scheduled and we sneaked in without anybody noticing it. I entered the projection room with Aaron and we sat there in the dark and we discussed a little. He was curious about me and this experience, I tried to explain to him what I was doing.

In the theater with Aaron

Aaron and I left the theater and I headed towards the place that would end this fantastic day: the maze. In the middle of the east park is a green maze, I alway got lost in it, no reason it would change today. As I passed nearby the beach I decided to check it as well. Aaron was still with me and Silky as well in the distance in her car.

At the beach

When I got back from the beach where nothing special happened, Silky had a passenger in her car. Silky introduced her to me as one of her friend … her friend decided to stay a little to check what would happen to me next … I did not complain, the more the audience was, the more I felt excited.

Silky and her friend

I moved quickly towards the maze, it was a long walk to reach it, but I met very few people, all having positive reactions towards my nudity, I felt, it can be strange, powerful actually.

Heading to the maze

Finally I reached it, and there was a few people trying to make their way through it … it was an interesting experience actually. I did not know where people where exactly, sometimes I nearly hit them after a turn, they always looked at me very surprised but most of the time they laughed at me, Only one lady called me a weirdy and fled in the maze. Actually in that kind of situation, I got often more harsh reactions from women than men, I guess it’s pretty normal, but it was a fact.

Lost in the maze
Bumping into someone I did not see arriving. Aaron behind me
Finally reaching the centre of the maze

The maze was probably the most interesting part. I was not able to anticipate any passers arriving. I exited the maze after some time spent in, this is not an easy one for sure. Silky was there waiting for me with a wide smile, She applauded when I arrived with Aaron still behind me. I waved good bye to Aaron and to Silky’s friend and jumped in the passenger seat.

Silky understood I needed to flee and started her engine, She drove carefully not wanting to attract any attention on her car and her naked passenger. After ten minutes we were at my place, and she dropped me there. She wait for me to open my door with the keys I had hidden under the carpet, and finally drove off.

I ran under my shower and released all the tension I built during this incredible naked trek in the city.


I hope you liked this story I wrote from the picture Silky provided to me and also from the text she produced giving her point of view of the adventure:

All credits to Silky who spent a lot of time building the scenario and who gladly played with me.



All my other dares are on: My Nude In Public (NIP) dares

16 thoughts on “NIP Dare #7: A long stroll in the streets”

  1. I look forward to all of the pictures! Following you around was exciting, knowing that anyone could have been peeking at you from any window, doorway, building, alley…

  2. Well my radar told me, that some actually have 😉
    She got the pictures in the meantime, but I guess she is still sorting them out. The bundle I sent over contain close to 100 pictures.

  3. I'm glad you enjoy your adventures; rest assured you aren't the only one who gets a thrill out of your daring and bravery. I'm happy I could accompany you on part of your journey! I'm sorry I had to leave or I would have joined you in that shower…

  4. Many thanks Silky for proposing this fantastic dare! I am really grateful of what you did. I will return the favor, I promise.

  5. I was exited when i read silkys dare.
    I loved the story you made out ofyour adventure. You capture your feeling very good and show your readers how good you felt.
    I do love the pic I took with my phone, very sensual.

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