NIP Dare #2 (Scandal in the monastery)

Posted by: Alma

Context: Take a tour of the cloisters, corridors, spaces and rooms of the St. Columba Abbey (Moderate Sim), during the time the public service is held in the Church (Public services Mon – Fri 8:00 PM SL Time. And Mon -Fri 12h45pm SL Time), and wait for nuns, monks and believers reactions, as soon as you will remain topless. Blog readers or friends can be present, but must fake of not knowing you, and not intervene in action.

Location: St. Columba Abbey – O’Hare’s Gap. Region: Toyah. Location: 226, 52, 21. The time of public service (if this time is not appropriate for you, you can try in other hours of the day). The sim must not be desert at the time of the dare.

Clothing: A chaste and proper dress for a religious place, and you will strip the top part of it.

Information for my readers:

My dear readers,

I think this one is very daring and risky, I hope I will not run into problems, but actually this is part of the fun: no risk, no fun. I will let you know in the coming days when I plan to go to the sim to do the dare. If some of you plan to be around, I will be happy to see you here.

Thank you Alma for this nice new challenge, I do like it a lot and I more than happy to give it a try.

Live (on 28/09 UK time):
– 10:54 PM: Getting ready to go to St Columba Abbey. I am still a bit unsure of what I will do there, but I have to at least to scout the place.

The outfit should be conservative enough to visit the place
  • 11:03 PM: Just arrived at the place. I am about to have a look around.
  • 11:12 PM: The place is pretty desert. I am in the church, joined by one of my oldest friend in SL, Thierry.
  • 11:20 PM: Well a few people in the church now, all readers of my blog … hahaha. You will recognize maybe Alma and Bobbie and Jez just in front of me, Thierry by my side.
  • 11:36 PM: Dilemna. It’s only people I know. I am not sure it does count to do it.
  • 00:02 AM: And finally, I did it. It was quite exciting actually. Despite I knew most of the crowd, I did not control who could popup, and this is definitely a turn-on.
I finally decided to do it


And off the top


And off the bra … I did it !!!
Thierry cheering, Jez did not notice it yet … I am about to make it obvious to all
I walked down the alley to the front row … Alma as a sister played the shocked one, I played the proud exhibitionnist


A visitor of the abbey decided to sit by me, pretty handsome, don’t you think ?


I enjoyed staying a bit longer, taking the light risk of being caught by actual sisters or brothers


Facing the assembly, showing myself, before walking down the alley again and exit the church, waving the assembly…. exhilarating moment


Posing outside … what a thrill. And poof, I vanished.

I enjoyed this exhibition a lot actually, due to the particularity of the place that Alma chose. It sounds very forbidden to do that here, which adds to the fun definitely. My only regret is that most of the assembly was composed of my readers. I love you my dear readers, this is not the point, but you were expecting me to do this and this was consequently a bit different of what Alma dared me to do. What was actually fun is that I did not know who would appear in the church at any time and actually two men did an apparition, which was very exciting. I however promised Alma to do it again, at the same place again, but I will not tell you when this time … you will have the pictures and story off course.

Love you all, let me a few comments of what you liked or disliked, and thanks for those of you we were around tonight: Bobbie, Alma, Thierry and Jez … and my two unknown men.


All my other dares are on: My Nude In Public (NIP) dares

4 thoughts on “NIP Dare #2 (Scandal in the monastery)”

  1. Dear Cathy, it was a real pleasure for me being there, in the nun role! I very appreciated the fact that at the end you did it, because you've transmitted a sense of affection to you readers, but I agree you need to have the chance of doing a dare on your own, much thrilling as it be possible. Good luck for your next dares! If I have new ideas I will post for sure! Beware of sinners!

  2. Hi Alma,
    again thanks for being around this night. I was good you had this nun costume, it helped me to be in character. And if you post another dare, I will not complain.

  3. Hi Cathy,

    it was exiting beeing there with you.Good that some strangers came along, to make it more exiting. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.


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