Dainiz enJoys perfection hunt

Dainiz enJoys perfection hunt

Dear Readers,

I wrote a new post about Dainiz & Joy on Caroline’s blog:

What do you think of all these builders making our secondlife so magnificent ? It’s your chance to admire and congratulate them for their astonishing work … Well just an opinion though.


2 responses to “Dainiz enJoys perfection hunt”

  1. Dear Catherine, exploring and discovering the beautiful, astonishing and marvellous lands we have in SL is one of my major delights. In same cases I remain without words in front of some breath-taking landscapes or more-than-real-surprising buildings. You have been so lucky meeting those persons who designed and built one of them! What I loved the most of this post? The detail of you wearing your photo-camera as true photojournalist! Thank you

  2. Dear Alma, I absolutely agree with you, some sims are really astonishing by their beauty. Dainiz and Joy's place is a very good one and you can understand why when you see the passion and time they both commit into this. And concerning the little details, yes I like to do that to feel in character. 🙂 Thanks for your sweet comment. If you know a nice location to visit, let me know.