Oops I am naked

Dear Readers,

I was plunged into my inventory and I rediscovered an old HUD I was offered by a very old friend. The HUD is called “Oops I am naked”.

Let me explain the principle, it is quite simple: when I wear it, anybody who will bump into me will be proposed to rip one layer of clothes I wear … you start to see the point of all this. I would really like to meet some of my readers.

This week-end I will wear it, I set up a cool outfit ready to be ripped, so I hope to see you around 🙂
Well if you are too shy to come in person, I opened the grid wide option: Strip me

Sunday 5th, It is 6:00AM SecondLife time. I am in the middle of the town, waiting for you: taxi

6:28 AM: someone gave it a try.

My hoodie vanished

7:00 AM: no changes.

7:30: no changes …. you don’t like it I think.

8:00: still visiting the town.

8:45: enjoying the view of the city

9:20: my friend Kelly is wondering where I am … you think he will find me ?

9:45: Kelly finally found me… A bit slow don’t you think ?

11:00: Waiting for the bus … Kelly has accepted a dare … entering into the prison nearby.

12:00: Kelly failed to his dare… I tried and failed too, it’s complex to enter in a prison.

I actually made a second attempt of this same game. It was this time a lot more successfull: see my post Oops I am naked again.


5 thoughts on “Oops I am naked”

  1. I hope you have lots of fun with this! I can't wait to see the pictures.

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