Pictures Postcards from SecondLife #5

Everything was finally unpacked, the washing machine was running and I cleaned up the whole place … Finally I felt home again.

I was checking my bank account.The situation was neither better nor worst than what it was before I left to Cuba. What I earned there was just enough to cover my expenses … so I was not broken flat but nearly. I sighed in exasperation. I should better find a good paper to write, or resume my escorting activities soon … or maybe both at the same time.

I was lost in my considerations when my phone vibrated. I smiled looking at the screen: it was Silky replying on SLapp Messenger. She confirmed we were to meet at the beach club, I missed her so much.

Well I would worry at another time, it was now time to enjoy a nice evening. I quickly put on my make up and slipped a set of spare undies in my handbag, then left the flat in a hurry. I was late again and Silky would surely make fun of me about it.

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